The Wranglers
The future of Cowboy Mounted Shooting
Do the kids ride and shoot? The answer is “Yes” and “No”. Wranglers, kids under 12 years of age, ride the same patterns the grown-ups do, but they don’t shoot real blanks. Kids have the same clothing requirements the adults do and follow the same rules for riding the patterns, however, a “demo” ride may be used to show them how to correctly engage the course and marker cones may be placed to help them navigate the proper path.
Who are the Wranglers?
CMSA has two classifications of Wranglers. Limited (WRL) Wranglers are aged 9 and under. Open (WRO) Wranglers are aged 10 and 11 years old. The official age for each competitor is the age he/she is on the day after the CMSA World Championship held in October.

Open Wranglers
Must wear holsters and use a non-firing replica to engage the targets
A minimum of a 5 target "stage" will be used for ground shooting at each match
Any misses will be charged against their time
Open Wranglers are required to wear hearing and eye protection during ground shooting
Limited Wranglers
Engage the course but are not required to wear guns/holsters or engage the targets
May be allowed to ground shoot by the Match Director, but any misses will be charged against their time.
If Limited Wranglers participate in ground shooting, they are required to wear hearing and eye protection.

Leadline/Assisted Wranglers
Wranglers will be issued an automatic 60 second score for all runs