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2023 Year End Winners

Club Points

  • Year-end club points are determined by entry at WRPM shoots only.

  • Your points start to accumulate when you become a club member. If you are not a club member at the time of the event, you do not accumulate club points towards year-end awards. Your points are not “backdated”.

  • The CMSA season starts in October after the World Championship and continues to the next World Championship in the following October.

  • Your total points are calculated throughout the competition year starting at the first club event during the shooting season and ending at the last club event before the World Championship.

  • Your total points, class points and division points are calculated at the level you competed at during the last club event. For example, you are a level 2. You win your class at the last club event of the season. It is a "move up" win, and you move up to a CMSA level 3. When you fired your last shot at a club event you were a level 2. You will be considered a level 2 for the end of year awards based on your points earned at club events. You never competed at a club event as a level 3 so you are still considered a level 2 and awards will be based on your points as a level 2.

  • Year-end awards will be presented at the WRPM annual banquet typically held in February. It is a wonderful time to get back together with the "shooting family" and see the awards won throughout a fun season of shooting.


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